English I (Period #1-5)

Course Description

 Here you will find the syllabus below with the supply list, class rules, grading policies, parent contact form, etc.
Every month I give my English I students a calendar that they use to record quiz, test, and homework dates. The calendar can also be found online if they lose it. I do give detentions for missing work for test grades or important assignments that build the foundation for that weeks lessons (such as annotation homework). 
They have a vocabulary quiz every week unless there is a major test. They write down the words and definitions the first day of the week I have them. They take the quiz on the last day of the week that I have them. Anyone who missing a quiz will have to come in during advisory period to make it up.
The vocabulary words are also found on Quizlet. Quizlet is a great website students can use to study vocabulary words. They also have an app. Here is the link to our class Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/join/Wye7ATDSz 

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