Junior.High Tennis

Course Description

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Summer Tennis Camp

Times:     Location at Canton High School Courts

9am-10am: 10 & Under Camp
9am-11am: Middle – High School

Prices:    10 & Under: $15 Drop-in/$25 Two Days/$30 Three Days
Middle-High School: $20 Drop-in/$35 Two Days/$50 Three Days

JUNE: 8th, 10th, 12th:
JUNE: 22nd, 24th, 26th
JULY: 6th, 8th, 10th
JULY: 20st, 22nd 24th
AUGUST: 3rd, 5th, 7th
Mail this registration form & check to:
Alen Odic` 740 Watercrest Cir., Canton, Tx 75103
Call Alen @ (903)275-1031. Email: Alen@AlenOdic.om
See the camp flyer....for more information.

"Positive thinking is more than just a  tagline.  It changes the way we behave. I firmly believe that when I am positive, it not only makes me better, but it also makes those around me better."
Harvey Mackay

Great Job Guys!

I want to say thank you to each and everyone who played tennis this season.  You are a fun group with a lot of potential.  You all did well.  I am proud of you.
Canton girls won the district championship and the boys came in as district runner up!
Congrats to you.

Saturday JH Tennis

I never received any information from Van on the order of play....
I do know they want to start matches about 8:30.  They are using the 6 courts by the football stadium.  I will have balls for you to warm up with when you get there.  When you have warmed up pick up the warm up balls and return them to the can and put them on the bus.
I also have a new can of balls that you will take to the court when you play. Be sure to bring off a can of balls when the match is completed.
Bring your water, a towel, sunblock, a snack, a lunch, a cap, your racket, a winning attitude and anything else you think you may need.
We will leave from behind the high school gym at 7:30.
You are going to do have fun and do well.  Let's go compete!

District Tennis Meet

The district chairman is putting the meet together and has promised to let everyone know sometime Friday the order of play.  They are hoping to start playing at 8:30 on Saturday.
I will pass on any information that I receive.  
Remember we leave from behind the high school gym at 7:30 am.

District Tennis Meet

We will leave from the high school on Saturday May 2nd at 7:30 to travel to Van to compete in the Junior High Tennis District Meet.