Shelley Mefford » Mrs. Mefford

Mrs. Mefford


Bitmoji ImageWelcome to CTE, specifically BIM, Accounting I & II, and Animation. Although we are in for an interesting year, I am looking forward to it. It is going to be different, but I have no doubt that we will be able to navigate our new "normal" in no time. Our focus will be learning, learniAccounting, BIM, Animation and Algebra EOC Co-Teacherng, learning and doing it safely! 


My Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 903-567-6561 Ext. 4301

Conference: 7th period (White Days) 10:49-12:19


  • I will post all work and classroom resources on Google Classroom.
  • Please make sure you know how to login with your school Gmail account. 


Please visit my Google Site pages for more information.