Junior.High Tennis
- Instructor
- Coach Glenn Neal
- Terms
- 10-11 School Year
- 2011-2012 School Year
- SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013
- 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR
- 2014-15
- 2015 - 2016 School Year
Course Description
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End of School Doubles Bash Saturday May 21st, 2016
End of School Doubles Bash
Saturday May 21st, 2016
Location: Kilgore High School: Play will begin at 8:30am. Please check in by 8:10am.
Divisions: There will be five divisions: 7th – 9th grade boys, 7th – 9th grade girls, 10th – 12th grade boys, 10th – 12th grade girls, and an Open division (adults or students).
Entry Deadline: Entries must be in by Wednesday, May 18th
Entry Fees: $20 per doubles team. Make checks payable to Jason Maroney. Contact phone number- 903-235-3958. Email- [email protected]. No refund for rain out. Make up date will be 5/22. Need to sign up and send payment ahead of time. $5 late registration fee, if paying on day of tournament.
Please send bottom portion in with payment
Names of participants (please print):
Contact Phone Numbers _________________________________________
Division playing: _____________________________________
Please mail to: Jason Maroney
906 Woodridge Cl.
Longview, Tx. 75601
If entries are not mailed by Saturday, May 14th, please contact by phone or email, to let me know it is coming. Thanks!
I do hereby release Kilgore I.S.D., tournament workers, organizers, and sponsors from any claim arising out of an injury to a participant or spectator that may occur duringthe tournament.
______________________________________ ______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date