
Course Description

The scientific study of the universe and the objects in it, including stars, planets, nebulae, and galaxies. Astronomy deals with the position, size, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial objects. Astronomers analyze not only visible light but also radio waves, x-rays, and other ranges of radiation that come from sources outside the Earth's atmosphere.

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Harvest Moon is the full moon that takes place nearest the autumnal equinox or the official start of fall, which is Monday this year. It gets its name because it allows farmers to work later thanks to the moon’s light.

micromoon is a full moon that happens when it is farthest away in its orbit from Earth. It will look smaller than most other full moons and a bit dimmer.

And all of this is taking place on Friday the 13th, a rare (and some might say spooky) occurrence.

The last time a full moon and Friday the 13th happened at the same time was Oct. 13, 2000. It won’t happen again until Aug. 13, 2049.