School Policies » Detention Hall

Detention Hall

Faculty and staff members may issue detention time as a consequence of student behavior.

Detention hall is held each day in a designated classroom from 7:15 – 7:45 am, during lunch time and 3:30 – 4:00pm

Detentions may be assigned for 30 minutes or 1 hour at the discretion of the faculty or staff member.

When a detention is given the student has that day plus the next four school days to serve the time or the student will be assigned one day of OCS regardless of absences. Instances of extreme absences (3 or more consecutive days) will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  • Behavior problems in detention hall will result in additional consequences.
  • Students will not be admitted to detention hall after 3:30.
  • Students may not choose corporal punishment in lieu of detention time.
  • Student and parent questions related to the details of an individual detention should be first addressed with the faculty or staff member who issued the detention.
  • When a student exceeds five detentions in a semester, alternate consequences will be assigned as follows:
  • For a sixth, seventh, and eighth detention the student will be assigned one Saturday School for each instance.
  • When a student exceeds eight detentions, each subsequent detention will result in a minimum of two days in OCS.